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Privacy policy


While browsing the website and/or the “MyGlobe” application and/or during any physical or telephone contact, candidates may be required to provide personal data.

As a result, this privacy policy is intended to inform candidates about the conditions under which their data is used and their rights.

The collection of personal data complies with French and European standards relating to the protection of privacy and personal data, notably Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files, and freedoms, as amended by Law No. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, and the European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

1/ Definitions

The capitalized terms below have the same meaning as defined in the general terms of use of the “MyGlobe” service.

2/ Data Controller

The data controller for personal data is the company HAWKER, with a capital of €24,527,288.00, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 831 813 977, and whose head office is located at 11 boulevard Jean Mermoz, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, which operates the Website and Application (hereinafter referred to as “GLOBE”).

3/ Nature of the Data Collected

The data collected on the Website and/or Application and/or directly and/or by phone are those that allow GLOBE and/or its subsidiaries to identify the Candidates directly or indirectly.

This may include data such as name, first name, email address, date of birth, postal address, nationality, photographs, social security number, data related to work experience, connection data (such as IP address), bank data, and/or browsing data like cookies.

Therefore, sensitive personal data may also be collected by GLOBE, to which Candidates consent when creating their Account and/or providing such data.

In addition, location data may be collected. The Application includes a geolocation feature that allows Candidates to find Announcements near their geographical location and to check-in when they arrive near the Mission site to validate their presence. To use this service, the Candidate must authorize the Application to access their location data and send notifications.

The Candidate may choose not to allow geolocation by refusing it during the first use of the Application or in their mobile phone settings. However, certain operating systems (Android) may not allow downloading applications with geolocation if location access has not been authorized. Downloading the Application constitutes agreement, which the Candidate may revoke at any time by disabling geolocation in their mobile phone settings.

Finally, Candidates must not provide personal data about a third party.

4/ Purpose of Data Collection

The personal data collected on the Website and/or Application and/or directly and/or by phone are used for the following purposes:

  • Registration and authentication of the Candidate;
  • Creation of the Candidate’s Account and Profile;
  • Analysis of the Candidate’s Account and Profile;
  • Allowing the Candidate to update their Profile on the Website and/or Application;
  • Allowing the Candidate to use the Services, including searching for Announcements and applying for them;
  • Allowing the Candidate to view their Mission dashboard;
  • Allowing GLOBE, if necessary, to contact the Candidates;
  • Allowing GLOBE to send newsletters to Candidates and/or for commercial use.

Additionally, GLOBE may use the data to meet its legal and/or regulatory obligations.

5/ Time of Collection

The data collected by GLOBE is freely provided by the Candidate, along with all documents related to the Candidate containing personal data.

It may also be automatically collected when using the Website and/or Application, particularly when Candidates:

  • Browse the pages of the Website and/or Application;
  • Create an Account and/or Profile on the Website and/or Application;
  • Search for an Announcement using geolocation, with their location data automatically transferred to GLOBE;
  • Subscribe to GLOBE’s electronic newsletter and/or commercial communications. Newsletter subscription occurs automatically when creating an Account;
  • Send a request to GLOBE via the contact email address.

They may also be provided directly by the Candidate during their contact with GLOBE and/or one of its subsidiaries, either by phone or in person.

6/ Consent

The privacy policy is systematically brought to the attention of Candidates either during their registration on the Website and/or Application or at the time of signing their employment contract.

Thus, the creation of an Account and/or signing of the employment contract implies the express, full acceptance by the Candidates of this privacy policy.

By checking the box: “I have read and accept the general terms of use and the GLOBE privacy policy” and/or by signing their employment contract, Candidates consent to their personal data being stored and processed by GLOBE, its subsidiaries, and/or its partners.



If Candidates wish to withdraw their consent to the processing of their data, they can visit their Profile on the Website and/or Application and delete their Account so that GLOBE and/or its subsidiaries can no longer process the personal data related to their Account and Profile, or they can send a request to the following email address:

Additionally, Candidates may receive commercial offers and information related to their Profile, experience, or location if they allow the Application to send them notifications.

Candidates can choose not to receive notifications by refusing them when downloading or first using the Application. At any time, Candidates can disable notifications in their mobile phone settings and the Application.

7/ Recipients of Personal Data

The primary recipients of the collected personal data are GLOBE and its subsidiaries. The list of subsidiaries is available upon request from the Candidates.

Other recipients may have access to personal data. These include, where applicable, GLOBE’s clients, service providers in charge of the Website and/or Application (administration, marketing, legal, etc.), and external providers (technical service providers, internet access providers, communication agencies, etc.). The list of recipients is available upon request from the Candidates.

In the event of a change of control of GLOBE and/or one of its subsidiaries, an acquisition, bankruptcy proceedings, or a sale of GLOBE’s assets and/or one of its subsidiaries, the data collected by GLOBE may be transferred to third parties.

If required by law, the consent of the Candidates will be obtained, or an opt-out option will be provided before any data transmission.

8/ Candidates’ Rights

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files, and freedoms, as amended by Law No. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, and the European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, Candidates have the following rights:

  • Right of access to their personal data;
  • Right to rectify their personal data;
  • Right to erasure of their personal data;
  • Right to object to the use of their personal data;
  • Right to limit the processing of their data;
  • Right to data portability.

Candidates wishing to exercise any of their rights can send their request by email or post to the following addresses:

Postal address: 11 boulevard Jean Mermoz, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

In case of exercising one of these rights, Candidates must provide GLOBE with the necessary identification details: name, first name, email, and possibly their postal address. Additionally, in accordance with the applicable regulations, their request must be signed, accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing their signature, clearly specifying the right they wish to exercise, and the address where they wish to receive a response.

GLOBE commits to responding within a maximum of one (1) month from the receipt of the Candidate’s complete request.

Due to the complexity of the request and/or the number of requests, this period may be extended to two (2) months, provided that GLOBE informs the Candidates concerned within one (1) month of receiving their request of the reasons for the extension.

If GLOBE does not act on a Candidate’s request, it will inform them within one (1) month of receiving the request of the reasons for its inaction.

GLOBE informs Candidates of their right to file a complaint with the CNIL.

9/ Data Retention Period

The data collected by GLOBE is retained as long as the Candidate has not directly requested its deletion from GLOBE, and/or as long as the Candidate’s Account and/or Profile remains active and has not been deleted either by GLOBE or the Candidate themselves.

Candidates are informed that two (2) years after the latest event between the date of their last login to their Account and/or the end date of the last Mission completed by the Candidate, their data will be deleted by GLOBE.

Any deletion of their Account by the Candidate automatically results in the deletion of the Profile linked to the account, thus erasing all personal data related to that Account and/or Profile, without retention by GLOBE, except for data that GLOBE may need to retain as evidence for legal, administrative, or regulatory purposes in compliance with applicable laws.

By exception to the paragraph above, Candidates are informed that:

  • If their Account is deleted by GLOBE due to a breach of obligations by the Candidates, as outlined in Article 14.3 of the General Terms of Use, GLOBE reserves the right to retain the Candidate’s email address and identifying information in an archive without processing it for a period of five (5) years following the date of deletion by GLOBE, in order to prevent those Candidates from re-creating an Account.
  • Cookies are stored for a maximum of one (1) year after their initial placement on the Candidates’ device.

10/ Links

On the Website and/or the Application, Candidates may have access to various links directing them to third-party websites.

GLOBE is not responsible for links posted by advertisers.

This privacy policy does not govern third-party websites and/or applications or third-party content accessed by Candidates from the Website and/or the Application.

11/ Cookies

When browsing the Website and/or the Application, cookies or other means of recording browsing data are used by the Website and/or the Application, or by third-party service providers for the Website and/or Application, and stored on the Candidates’ devices (computers, mobiles, or tablets).

The cookies used by GLOBE allow the identification of Candidates, recognition of their browser upon logging into the Website and/or Application, storing of their preferences, and adapting the presentation of the Website and/or Application to the display preferences of the Candidates’ device, solely to provide the requested service.

The recording of a cookie is subject to the Candidates’ consent. Therefore, Candidates have the option to configure their browser software to block the recording of “cookies” either entirely or partially (particularly based on the issuer). The configuration also allows them to accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis, before their storage on the Candidates’ device.

Thus, Candidates who wish to prevent cookies from being stored may follow the specific procedure for each browser, described in the help menu of their browser.

These procedures are as follows:

For Mozilla Firefox:

Candidates should go to the “tools” menu, then the “options” tab. They should then click on the “privacy” icon / “show cookies” and select the options they prefer.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and beyond:

Candidates should choose the “tools” menu, then “internet options”, click on the “privacy” tab, then select the desired level.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5:

Candidates should choose the “tools” menu, then “internet options”, click on the “security” tab, select “internet” then “custom level”. Finally, in the “cookies” section, they should choose the options they prefer.

For Google Chrome:

Candidates should choose the “tools” menu, select “options”, click on the “advanced options” tab, and go to the “privacy” section. Finally, in the “show cookies” section, they should choose the options they prefer.

For Safari:

Candidates should go to the Safari menu, choose the “preferences” menu, then click on “security” and select the options they prefer.

12/ Governing Law

This privacy policy is governed by French law.

For any issues and/or questions regarding the privacy policy, Candidates are encouraged to contact customer service to try to find an amicable solution via email at the following address:

Version dated July 8, 2019.