Tailor-made support for all your campaigns

To meet market and advertiser demands, GLOBE Groupe has developed an organization focused on efficiency, quality, and ROI for its actions. Commercial animation, street marketing, roadshows… Tailor-made support for all your campaigns.

Always on the lookout for trends, GLOBE Groupe constantly seeks more innovative mediums to strengthen promotional campaigns and differentiate its clients from the competition. The agency offers customized support, from strategic planning to logistical deployment. With technical expertise and proven know-how, especially in commercial animation, street marketing, and shopper marketing, GLOBE Groupe is present throughout France. Local teams, composed of experts, rely on an in-depth understanding of brand challenges and situation analysis to determine the best solutions to connect brands with consumers.

Integration of Competencies

By bringing together all the necessary skills for a street marketing operation, experiential marketing, or commercial animation campaign, GLOBE Groupe delivers turnkey solutions to its clients.

“By integrating and mastering all essential trades for strategic thinking and field deployment, GLOBE Groupe can reasonably guarantee the quality of its actions. This pursuit of excellence motivates all our agency’s employees,” says Jeremy Dahan, President and Founder of GLOBE Groupe.

The agency has chosen to internalize all resources involved in a campaign’s execution. Four major strategic and operational pillars are integrated into the agency: design (strategic planning, concept, creative studio, etc.), production (sourcing, manufacturing, logistics, permits), HR (recruitment, training), and analysis (post-testing, profitability analysis, reporting).

GLOBE Groupe, an expert agency in out-store and in-store activities (street marketing, commercial animation, sampling, and point-of-sale activation), relies on skilled collaborators and maintains a large pool of promoters and animators, ensuring responsiveness and professionalism in the field. Moreover, control phases during operations, such as field inspections and mystery visits, validate and guarantee service quality. The agency has also integrated a subsidiary dedicated to logistics, freight, and distribution to respond to field needs in real-time. This organization allows for great flexibility, unbreakable responsiveness, and avoids margin accumulation.

Mesure de la rentabilité de vos campagnes

93%* of marketing and brand directors believe that a marketing/communication campaign should be framed and re-evaluated based on its performance and profitability to deliver the best results.

Control, rigor, and integrity dictate all strategic directions at GLOBE Groupe. The agency post-tests each operation, whether a commercial animation, street marketing campaign, or brand activation, to measure, benchmark, and validate the relevance of promotional strategies, consumer impact, profitability, and report back to clients.

GLOBE Groupe’s expertise is a methodology of study and analysis specific to in-store and out-store activities, enabling the establishment of a benchmark to ultimately compare campaigns. A foolproof measurement and control tool developed in collaboration with the IFOP research institute. Advertisers receive a report on each operation based on precise performance indicators regarding campaign engagement, brand recall, purchase intent, and relative consumer and sales impact scores.

*Acquia and SQLI survey « New tools vs. Marketing and Communication Services: Love or Hate? »